It is now only a fortnight until Scale ModelWorld 2015 and the plans for the club's display are well advanced.
Forming the centrepiece will be a tribute to the late Bill Nicholls who passed away in May. It will include some of Bill's models and photogrphs of him and his modelling activities supplied by his family.

This will be flanked by two further displays:
One featuring models built for, or are appropriate to, the club competition theme for the whole of this year - "The Silver Screen".

Plus a display models built IPMS Birmingham members for "Shermania" this year's "Across the Pond Challenge" with our friends at IPMS Syracuse in the USA.
And speaking of IPMS Syracuse we will be welcoming back our old friend from upstate New York, John Kesler making his biannual visit to SMW.
As always, we will be happy to talk to fellow modellers, so please drop by our stand for a chat.