About IPMS Birmingham

A branch of IPMS(UK) we are a club for modellers and those interested in modelling in Birmingham and surrounding areas, we welcome people of all abilities to attend our meetings on the third Sunday of each month - please see "About IPMS Birmingham" page for venue details and times.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Across the Pond Hurricane Group Build Challenge

Inspired by our friends at IPMS Syracuse in the USA, a number of whom have taken to building Hawker Hurricanes in various scales we now have the "Across the Pond Hurricane Group Build Challenge" under way and at tomorrow's club meeting those of us from IPMS Birmingham who are joining in with this "fun" event will be bringing along there builds for an initial progress report.

Charles Wise's (IPMS Syracuse) 1/48 Hasegawa Hurricane under construction

The challenge is open to members of both clubs and the rules, such as they are, are quite simple - any scale, any version, any markings - just so long as it's a Hawker Hurricane. There is no time limit, but this year would be appreciated.

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